You can now utilise your knowledge and expertise to refer your connections to top jobs.

Referral couldn't get easier

UPRO is an invitation only network that allows people to endorse or refer professionals for jobs. We hope everyone can utilize their industrial experiences to help freinds to advance their career and get rewarded in 3 steps.


Step 1
Check Our Job Listing

We have new job positions from various industries partners listed on our platform. Check out those you are experienced.


Step 2
Refer Your Friends

When there are fitting jobs, you can simply refer your friends and help to do a simple review on your friend.


Step 3
Get Paid

Once your friend is hired, you can get paid from UPRO partners and it is just that easy. Don't wait to join us now!


Need candidate referral?
Become a partner

Got a job from your client and need a referral? You can also create a job in minutes and our members are going to serve you anytime!

Everything Transparent

We have comprehensive platform in wechat for you to check the hiring status of your candidates. Everything will be transparent to our users.

  • Check hiring status of your candidates
  • Check your candidate records
  • Check your own balance and referral fee earned

Carefully tailored tool for mobile access.

The full power of referral is now on your palm.

UPRO is desgined to work with WeChat, by using the eco system of it, referral is never been this easy.

Refer, verify, and get accepted with your referral all in your mobile, everything is as easy as touching a button, notification push directly to you while you are on the go.

Become a partner to source a referral on providing a job to UPRO, monitor your job and receive referral right in the same app.

Try now (Invitation only)

You may contact us for an invitation code.

Contact Us



Hong Kong Office

Unit C, 22/F, Thomson Commercial Building, 8 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Shanghai Office

Suite 823, 8/F, Bund Finance Centre Tower, S2, 600 Zhongshan No.2 Road (E), Shanghai, 200010, China